New Fall Offering: Elk Rut Tours!

The elk mating season, also known as the rut, is one of the most magical times to be in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. In the above photo, a bull elk bugles in the early morning while on a tour. Photo taken from inside a vehicle using a telephoto lens. Photo courtesy of Kelsey Wellington.
From mid-September to mid-October, the sound of bugling—a male’s mating call—rings through the valley. Bulls vie for the attention of their female counterparts—called cows—with these calls, as well as through rubbing trees, wallowing in mud, and sparring with other bulls using their impressive antlers. When a particular bull is deemed victorious, he wins the loyalty of a harem of females, which can contain as much as 20 cows.
A bull elk stands with his harem. Photo courtesy of Kelsey Wellington.
EcoTour Adventures guides love this time of year, as there are few things more exciting to watch than this incredible display. Our sunrise and sunset tours offer the best opportunities for witnessing the elk rut, and we are pleased to announce a new tour offering: a four-hour sunrise or sunset tour focused entirely on the elk rut and the beautiful fall foliage that accompanies this time of year. While we cannot guarantee the wildlife will cooperate, we believe the sheer abundance of elk in the valley will provide for some excellent viewing opportunities. At the very least, we know the scenery will not disappoint!
We hope you will join us on tour some time within this next month—beginning September 15th, 2022 and October 15th, 2022—to watch as elk sing and spar through the valley, their breath rising in the cool air and their antlers standing tall. Call us to inquire about this unique offering and reserve your spot!
Written by Kelsey Wellington. Kelsey is a Naturalist Guide with ETA and holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Lindenwood University.