Getting Here

A wide range of options bring Jackson Hole closer to you than ever before, whether it’s a direct flight into the Jackson Hole Airport or the incredible scenic drive by car from nearby airports such as Salt Lake City or Idaho Falls.
Flying Options
Flying to Jackson Hole Wyoming: The quickest and easiest way to reach the area is to fly directly into Jackson Hole. The Jackson Hole Airport is located at the base of the spectacular Teton mountain range. Located entirely within Grand Teton National Park, flying into the Jackson Hole Airport is an awe inspiring start to your trip to Jackson Hole. The Jackson Hole Airport is serviced by American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Frontier Airlines, SkyWest Airlines and United Airlines seasonally. These airlines provide direct service to Denver, Salt Lake City, Dallas/Fort Worth, Minneapolis, Chicago, Atlanta, Newark, San Francisco, Houston, and Los Angeles.
Once you arrive in Jackson Hole there are a couple of options for transportation from the airport to the town of Jackson. The airport is just 15 minutes north of Jackson. Most hotels offer a shuttle back to town or you can take a taxi. If you like the convenience of having your own transportation you can rent a car, which is also great for exploring the area. We recommend the local company, Leisure Sports, which offers a range of SUVs and four-wheel drive vehicles which are great for exploring and getting off the beaten path in Bridger Teton National Forest and Grand Teton National Park.
Leisure Sports Car Rentals
Our mottto in Jackson is buy local! Check out Leisure Sports Car Rental. They were kind enough to offer EcoTour Adventures’ guests a 10% discount on all rentals with the exception of their vehicles during June, July, and August. They also offer paddle boards, rafts, driftboats, canoe and gopro rentals. 307-733-3040
Driving Options and Directions
If you choose to fly into nearby airports and drive, you just might save quite a bit of $$$ as flying in and out of Jackson can be pricey. Here are some of the more popular driving routes. Driving through Wyoming and the nearby states is an experience in itself! Remember to always be cautious of wildlife on the roads!
Salt Lake City, Utah
There are two different routes from Salt Lake City you can take to Jackson. One is more time saving and the other is more scenic. The fastest way is Via I-15 (5hr and 8min)
Salt Lake City, UT I-15 North to Idaho Falls, ID
Idaho Falls to Swan Valley, ID to Victor, ID and then Jackson
You will head over the beautiful Teton Pass, or if majestic views and high elevations aren’t your thing or weather does not permit, you can take an alternate route and go through Alpine, WY, which also has stunning canyon views.
We think the most scenic way into Jackson from Salt Lake City is by taking the back roads – this is our recommended route if the roads are snow free. (5hr and 39min)
Salt Lake City – Logan, UT via HWY 89 & 91
Logan to Bear Lake/Montpelier
Montpelier North on HWY 89 to Alpine, WY
Alpine, WY HWY 189 North to Jackson, WY
Idaho Falls: This is the closest airport to Jackson, other than the Jackson Hole Airport. 1hr 50min Take HWY 26 East towards Swan Valley, ID 31 over a small mountain pass into Victor then HWY 22 over Teton Pass into Jackson. In the winter do yourself a favor and drive the distance around the passes and through Alpine, WY.
Denver: This is a long haul but the scenery is stunning, if you like open Wyoming desert! (8hr 30min) There is the interstate route, slightly shorter, but not advised unless you like large trucks and lots of them! Winter weather can also close the interstate for good reason.
Denver North via I-25 to HWY 287. Take 287 into WY and jump on I-80 W for 80 miles, then back on HWY 287 all the way into Jackson Hole. From Moran, WY, head south through Grand Teton National Park to Jackson.
Bus Options
bus to jackson hole wyJackson Hole Alltrans runs Mountain States Express, which provides daily bus service between Jackson and Salt Lake City Airport, also serving Star Valley, WY, Idaho Falls, ID and Park City, UT. For schedule, fare information, and reservations visit their website at: or call directly at 1-800-652-9510.