Born and raised in the Texas hill country, Sage grew up hearing stories from their family of the majesty of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. While earning their degree in Biomedical Sciences from Texas A&M University, Sage assisted in the care of captive elk, lynx, and white-tailed deer, some of the animals found in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. After realizing that you couldn’t safely have a pet moose, they decided to move to Jackson to see them daily. Always having had a passion for animals and history, Sage found Wyoming a perfect place to share their love of the outdoors. Sage has led education and adventure based tours in Jackson Hole and Yellowstone since 2021. Since arriving, they have thoroughly enjoyed sharing their passion for the parks by creating memorable experiences for their guests while also inspiring love for our beautiful planet and its creatures. The fact that Jackson Hole has three more seasons than Texas is an added bonus!
Sage is a certified Wilderness First Responder and a University of Wyoming certified Outdoor Guide.
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